

110704M Al Jazeera COMMENTS on Libya

following an article titled “The new African land grab

1st, from “Ozyism

I've argued for a long time that corruption in Africa has caused major issues for its population, who is taking advantage of that corruption is very obvious to see. The worst issue Africa faces is the IMF and other international Bankster Cartels which Greeks are fighting against as we speak.

These Cartels are not only stealing money, but also through corruption making huge profits from African resources, leaving the few rich in the continent and the rest starving. The slavery continues, but through magic. Magicians swear to hide the secret behind the illusion which explains why the world population is still scratching its head.

Libya which invested heavily against corruption, which pushed the IMF away from Libya, disallowed it to molest Libya with its dirty deals attached with a thousand and one strings, and they still ask why was Libya bombed? Everyone knows Libya became the example for the rest of Africa, AU (which Libya created) became the symbol of Unity amongst Africans against the abusers who think they hold the crown over the continent.

So we know why they went after Libya, we know why Libya became the priority, we know why US being in depth would risk another war, because there was huge priority amongst those who think they hold the crown over Africa, to destroy the Libyan regime.

What is the solution?

And further comment from “Ozyism” to another reader's assertions...:

Mr. Einstein still doesn't know that Libyans didn't need to work, they got the oil money straight in their bank account. A lot of Libyans are studying for free in US and Canada as we speak, for free, because they are getting their fees paid by the Libyan government. All the money is equally shared amongst Libyans. But that's not good for Capitalism is it now? Capitalism relies on greedy bankster cartel to control the flow of money, and treat the rest like slaves.

The Bankster Cartel already used CIA forces to create a private bank in Libya, already stealing Libyan wealth as we speak through Benghazi.

Wait, they don't tell you that do they in MSM? That within a week, the rebel CIA forces created a bank in Benghazi. Amazing isn't it? Wait, don't be amazed, Greeks are fighting these Mafia, terrorist Bankster Cartels as we speak, and if Greece prevails in toppling the Bankster puppets, expect a domino to begin in Europe, Spain, France, England, Ireland, Spain...

And “Carmen” wrote:

Neocolonialism, at its greediest. We should re-read Karl Marx´s analysis of the capitalist system: "The capital robs the workers of the plusvalue that they have collaborated to create":this was when capital was being amassed by lowest wages, up to 17 working hours a day, child labour, ban on unions, etc. Then, labour struggle appeared - in the capitalist countries, and, after a lot of suffering we got a little social justice. Now, in our "advanced" countries they are trying to cut back these "privileges", but it´s not enough: they need to take over African land - and who cares how many Africans starve? (and if they risk coming to work in Europe, who cares when they are declared delinquants?)- African water, etc. Meanwhile, we, in the West, are being poisoned by chemicals in our food, in our environment so that infertility is a growing problem. And they believe that our population is going to go on being an ever growing market for their products?Fools, but very dangerous fools.”

As I wrote in yesserday's blog, I'm always impressed by the broad knowledge behind many comments on such as Al Jazeera's pages.

Our, er, THEIR ABC's pages and other Australian news websites (Yahoo, Sky news) more often than not utterly disgust me for the readers' low intellects as shown in the majority of their statements, whether on Australian or international affairs.

ABC has a method of censoring comment simply by limiting the amount of not words, but characters a commenter is allowed to write. And, as not all articles, indeed few of them, have a comments section, one is left clicking around to find an appropriate page on which to lodge a comment. Very frustrating, just as the offshore Euro-bank ABC board and the nation's media mogul, controlling our thoughts and actions - Rupert Murdoch, like it.

No doubt, for the upper 30% of Australians who are employed by offshore-owned cult corporations (ie., they've been assured of secure incomes on being given employment, for their being indoctrinated in our Brit-Eurapean religious, or 'private' schools and universities, establishments which demand subservience to their corporate, that-is Zionist corruption, taking the wage or salary in fact is accepting a bribe to keep the corruption-mill afloat, thus the ongoing betrayal of all Australia, all Australians and Her Country, Her Land, and in the long-and-wide-run, betrayal of the planet!)

But, in regard to the current war in Libya, the information given in “Ozyism's” comments, while from here unverifiable, about Gaddafi ensuring all Libyans do actually get incomes from the oil being drilled and exported, is never mentioned in any mainstream media, whether from the USA, Britain, Eurape or here.

This is unquestionably criminal behaviour by our media, for only giving one side of the argument.

As “Ozyism” says, Gaddafi's Egalitarian distribution of the profits from their oil to Libyans, runs against the ruthless trickle-up demon of CRAPitalism, and such Honorable governance of such a resource-rich nation/region is frowned-upon by the dogs of western elitism - the IMF - the World Bank - and most western corporations and governments, and their selfish polity.

Selfishness to the extent we endure it from the 'advanced' developed, modern nations, their/our religions and their corporations, surely is in fact Humanity's most heinous 'mental illness' as I've been saying for more than a few years.

So, All Strength to those who look further for the REALIntelligence on what's happening in western-made 'crisis-zones', who look further than their own little world, made little by the evil western religions, their schools and their corporate and media puppets, etc etc etc.

All Strength to those who divest their minds of the 'popular' aspirations and expectations of a (1st world) society which prefers they are kept stupid, purely in order that the rich may profit evermore.

This morning, Al Jazeera has news that Turkey recognises the Libyan rebels.

Turkey recognises Libya rebels

As Turkey is doing what it can to gain inclusion into the Eurapean Union, that is to be expected.

I don't know what oil reserves Turkey has, of it's own, but the link with oil has to be considered.

If Eurape and the other oil-dependent nations are fighting the Libyan government for it's oil, then all parties linked with Eurape are in the same barrel, as far as I see it.

But HEY! I am the 'Blue Meanee' mushroom, on the bottom down-here-down-underneath, so cannot have any complete visual on such affairs.

All I think I should do, other than ….ahum...., is to regard such events from the position of what, in the complete picture of Humans on Earth, we are obliged to do, in things like government, and culture, and social trends.

And, from as near to a Scientific Economic and political or governmental perspective as I am able to get, it is undeniable that capitalism is for the machinery of our existence, and not for the Human side.

In fact, ruthless, endless productivity serves more to kill our Humanity, than to improve it.

The west has to recognise that 'capitalism' for capitalism's sake, has limits, and does not serve every aspect of our existence.

Capitalism, like our emotions and desires, has to be 'governed', like a limiter on a diesel motor, or it will over-rev and self-destruct, which is exactly what is happening in the big-picture of global economics and human endeavour.

The fact that we all are essentially the same, and all have certain physical, emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual needs and wants, discerns us from the monetary, material side of things, of life on Earth, and these cannot be satisfied purely by the benefits found in material advances, developments and consumption.

The 'west' seems to forget this, and assumes that because they so dominate the planet, albeit that in being so, they are also destroying the ability of the planet to sustain our - their insatiable 'modern' lifestyles, they are right and must be allowed to enforce their doctrine upon all other peoples, cultures and beliefs about where the Good Life is found, and how.

This, as-it-happens, goes to where a major debate is in Australia, and globally now, of how Humans behave on Earth, in the environment and about what liberties we are allowed in consumption of resources, etc. Resources such as the atmosphere, the oxygen etc.

The debate is around government placing 'speed and fuel consumption limiters', 'governors' on our behaviour, in the form of a carbon tax.

A carbon tax is not necessarily the ideal way to place controls on our propensity to live excessively, and/or to recuperate costs of cleaning-up the environment. But while we are so astray in - Astrayliar - in other arenas of how we interrelate with the environment, and in the more crucial business than most of us want to accept, of taxation, and as there is an urgency required around confronting and educating and dealing with our over-consumption, thus our culture of damaging the environment, - a culture, it must be reiterated, which is most dangerously a mental illness - the carbon tax is as near as any government is able to get, to introducing a different way of looking at our relationship with the planet.

As a start, let Australians use it as a stepping-stone up to inquiring deeper into how best we can live harmoniously with the national and global environment.

This requires our own higher education, into the most personal and most important realm of self-understanding, where we realise how much we do not actually think about how we get our jollies, and that we are in fact carried along in a current of unhealthy trends, forced down our throats by the mainstream corporate, ie., profit-centred advertising and marketing industry.

For, the truth of the Healthy mind - is so extreme from where the mainstream is now - but is such that were we really of healthy mind, we would all be racing from the urban centres and city lifestyles and materialistic cultures, and trying our best, even to the extent of fighting the authorities to get it and/or preserve it, to live in complete balance with the natural worlds, like the proverbial “Green Man” of olde English myth, etc.

In Australia, the whole Population was, uptil only some 223 years ago, living precisely in this unquestionably Holy way.


They had no need for police, or for record-keeping facilities, of government, of tax departments, of law and court offices, etc. Because they never stayed from the Garden of Wisdom, and thus never excessed in material consumption, etc.

All-the-while, living Happily!

But, albeit to myself, sadly, we cannot expect to go voluntarily back to such a Pristine way. And there's no doubt that the western advances in techie-toys etc, are magnificent, and to deny them is to do our Human Spirit a dis-service.

Nevertheless, we are all capable of teaching ourselves how to improve our way of living. Indeed, to not do so, is again, to do ourselves, our Ancestors and all before us a dis-service, and is keeping ourselves stupid, and little more than a breed of idiot destroyers of all that is potential and good.

So, while our politicians, are forced to remain within the utterly unreasonable and deeply psychotic constraints and paradigms of the global corporate juggernaut - the IMF, etc, - which each day draws closer to being awakened and enlightened to it's own stupidity, and thus to it ability to Reform and stop the decline - it is our responsibility and within our ability to lift our minds out of the gutter of ignorance, accept the REALPolitik endeavours of the current federal ALP-Greens-Independents government and the first step of a carbon tax, so that we can all move forward - SUSTAINABLY.

Changing the focus for a mo', we hear of the ex-head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn's release from detention in New York, the possible collapse of the case against him, albeit that the housemaid's defence states that her story has NOT changed, even though the New York prosecution lawyers say it has, and that the IMF now has, for all that chaos, a new, female CEO, Christine Laguarde.

Comments near to those centres said that she was seen to be 'part of the healing process', I think from the exposure and discrediting that Strauss-Kahn's arrest and charges-pending brought to the most evil corporate entity on Earth.

May it be so! Surely?

Whether anything does change within the uptop, upemselves end of the IMF is yet to be seen. With the apparent collapse of the housemaid's case, there is already chatter and no doubt huge effort being made about Strauss-Kahn making a come-back, and to be embraced even more emphatically by the French, as their new 'Socialist' (HA!) president.

I bet Sarkozi isn't feeling quite as cheery now, as he was looking at the swearing-in of Ivory Coast's new President, last month, when Strauss-Kahn was in the news for being a twisted sex-maniac en-tour?

Whatever..., other events involving the French, Libya, for one, show us that the Ferengi, the Franco-Eurapeans and covens are unlikely to review their behaviour and excessive lifestyles, so we cannot expect any dramatic re-appraisals of IMF behaviour toward the rest of us, and toward our - OUR Environments - Local.

Therefore, getting back to the carbon tax debate, our Australian government will remain belaboured by the fight mainly against the foreign, IMF psychosis of excessive CRAPitalist materialism, to make the Aussie masses more intelligent and to see our culture as in need of 'recycling, reusing and rethinking' or such.

But, you never know?

Things change, and so do Human beliefs and behaviour.

It may yet take an actual physical shock like another global financial crisis (GFC2), as is predicted in the defaulting of several Eurapean and British and American national governments, drying-up their ability to pay wages to government employees and the services they provide, thus dramatic infrastructure collapses, which would I think instigate widespread, 1st world anarchy amongst the suddenly very hungry peoples.

It will certainly force 1st world people to re-assess their consumption habits, firstly in energy, thus fuels.

This will reflect directly upon big, private energy corporations and their income - if the masses have no finance, they will not be able to buy the fuels, petrol, oil, gas, and others - and so onto the other thieving bastard corporations, whether retail crap products, services, or such as real estate, etc.

If, by dent of our psychosis of over-consumption, we bring on the second wave of the GFC, waste/over-consumption will drop hugely, so will then, our output of pollutants.

But other issues will take priority, if the hegemony remains as fucking stupid as they are, and we'll all be under threat of being 'disappeared' or shot by marshal law military and policing forces on the streets. So 'taxes' by evermore ruthless right wing and gutless governments will not be rescinded.

Greece, and it's latest round of cuts and reductions to government services etc being the early example of what's in store for the rest of the developed, totally corrupt world, if there are not the Proper Reforms put in place by government.

This demands of course, that governments act responsibly.


Not the trend, these centuries!

Therefore, Humanity's only hope, is that the Masses, perhaps after the most major 'stress-test' of all time hits us, when the farcical world of western Zionist finance-and-uneconomics drops through the earth-crust and into molten-centre Hell, is that the Masses, assert their Authority, their Sovereignty over the upper-crust fuckers, and force Intelligent, Sound, Scientific Economic Laws, which as I have pointed-out before, translate DIRECTLY into Sound, Wise, Intelligent and the Most Honorable ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, through Fundamental Land Reforms, ridding us finally of the evil real estate industries, and enshrine into all national laws, the REALEconomik of Land Rent, to replace most all other taxes.

There we might not anymore have the need to pollute or over-consume, like we have been conned to.

So, then, carbon tax might be integrated into Enviro-Laws, which might just be simple Land Taxes.

It may all rest on the softer shoulders of a 'healed' IMF?

How might they show us a sign that this is in the offing.......?

Israel letting aid ships into Gaza?

Libya and Colonel Gaddafi being no more bombed?

A National Land Tax being legislated into Australian Law?


OK! More earthquakes! More hurricanes! More typhoons!



Tourist trade into the West Bank town of Mageddon is expected to drop dramatically in coming months.....!”

Enough battery-pain, from


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