
Outlaw Junction News of the REVOLUTION Chop!

110722F Outlaw Junction News of the REVOLUTION Chop!

Funny, life, init?

'Slike it's all magic!

Tha's as far as I got last night, after noticing that all-of-a-sudden, News International was OFFF the front pages and news TV.

Slowed by about six shots of vodka in quick succession, the fingers just weren't gonna do the walking across the keyboard.

So..., I had another vodka....

This sunny Satdee mornin' media slams the world with tragedy 17 times (13:25 UPDATE! Upto 80 deaths), from Norway, that most tranquil northern nation.

Boom boom, as it were.....

Now, the planet freezes-up, in fear that this is but the first of what lots fear is an endless barrage against 'the system', against 'big government'.

Trepidation kinda says it all, aye?

So..., of course, what can the rest of us do....?

Wait. Act and converse a little more conservatively, solemnly, for at least a week. Minds, hanging in suspense.

Funny, not the chaos unleashed in Oslo, but that most who follow media and news media, sort of all know this, and that some major cacophony is on the brink of erupting. Even funnier (ummm?), is that those kind of people also are quietly aware that the big bang against big government, and here we're talking big 'western' government, 'feels' close to going global.

Global, against not one 'side' of the chimera we call politics, but against the arrogance the uptop, upclub, upemselves arseholes who are raised in the upper echelons of modern first world society express and cling-to, in their roles and apparently secure elite positions.

In all parliaments, debate roars across chambers and tables and bars, essentially about trivial, two-sided issues. Issues which never go to the bottomline of what actually gives cause for the species to create political houses and parties and parliaments and governments, etc, in the first place.

And big media is always there, ready to grab any choice line from one or another political mouth, rushing video footage or sound-bites off down the pipe to the studio for editing, cut-and-splicing (ummm...?), transmission and hopefully added viewer ratings.

'Complicit' might be the word for this cosy inter-relationship between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th estates of western culture.

'Sycophantic cock-sucking' might be another more direct way of putting it, wherever and however a commentator may put-it.

And OH LOOKIE! Even after two thousand, six thousand (Judaic, Christian) years, those upclub, scumsucking aloof, clearly hypnotised upemselves social climbers and leaders STILL STILL haven't cured Humanity's woes and wars and wanks?

But by Jesus, we'll be there to report when one 'individual', albeit that there really is no such entity, fearlessly, and quite probably Honorably, steps over the wall from this 'safe', first world social, cultural enclave, like a gated community, and takes with them a cache of explosives, of weapons and a REAL serious attitude, after realising that the big game, of big government, big corporation, big media, big politics, big money, big bullshit, big bending-over is NOT doing any effective, productive, pro-active, thing to stop Zionism from slam-dunking the planet into the big black-hole basket of galactic DEATH!

And..., they live to tell the tale. Or, their definition of it.

So..., we wait.......?

Which secure, comfy, gated nation will be next?

Back in the studio, editors and studio technicians and story-writers are scrambling to put words and footage to the story that they really-fucking-hope will build.

Naturally, higher-up, CEOs are on the phone, making sure the story evolves to suit their share-holders and board members.

All channels are open to advisors, commentators, lawyers, politicians, security experts and weapons manufacturers, keying-in as many relevant factors as possible, to ensure accuracy, relevance and SENSATIONALISM, tinted with the appropriate sincerity, regret and solemnity which softcock, first world sensitives so demand of their prissy news deliveries.

Can't blow our ratings!

Elsewhere in the media universe, worried news CEOs breathe sighs of relief, for this latest boom-shanka of carnage somewhere ELSE, takes the focus and thus the heat off their own little galaxy of incredible News International lying Murdoch's scandal story-tellingssssss.

Tellingsssss, telling less now on tele, of their own deep and endemic, institutionalised CORRUPTION, which makes them rich-beyond-their-soapy-bathtub-and-a-glass-of-bubbly-dreams, makes them popular within the right-and-rotten upclubster circles, and which, if leading the news bulletins for much longer, threaten to bring the masses onto the streets outside their local and national parliaments, demanding changes to who can own big or small media, who can enforce clearly unsustainable, unethical, unreasonable, unintelligent LAWS, who is selected to be elected to play the leading role of prime miniature, and be chauffeured around in limos and exclusive jet aircraft.

But inside big media, and big political parties, the game goes-on, sometimes frantic, sometimes pensive, sometimes drunken and outrageous, but always, with last minute PANIC and pandemonium, making the deadline, to the satisfaction of the honchos higher-up, who assume the mantle of demigods over the vast, vast majority of slaves.

You, and me.

Like 'Timothy McVeigh', we believe the bomber/shooter is a loner”.

With what? A Conscience? A frighteningly bald assessment of the big game, with eyes that watch a few seriously deluded, retarded elites just-keep-on-keeping-on, dragging the world into the shithole of golden calf tribe Swiss-bank deposits?

Now, from down-here-down-the-extreme-right-wing-'white'-superiority-whitefaced-sewer in Astrayliar, the person who dragged Norway out of it's snow-white and far-away from third-world tragedy gated comfy-zone, may well be just one blonde, white-skinned Human Being I would Salute?

Ironic, that, over recent weeks, I have weighed my attitude against the dominant 'race' of whitefaced white-skins, and contemplated scribing an e-ssay about the errors of my blanket generalisations of whitey being all genetically deranged arseholes.

There are thinking, feeling, tough, fearless and Honorable Outlaws EVERYWHERE, who often also have white skin, and even blonde hair, who agree with my disdain at this demented dominant hegemony of northern power-brokers and warmongers.

Clearly, when it comes down to it, it is NOT race, but culture, belief, false doctrine and mythology, always eventually, especially when the are battalions of 'academics' ever-there to edit, correct, modify, censor, cast their opinion and interpretation on the tale, and subvert the language, the sentence, the story, to suit the cocksuckers on top, their own promotion to 'professor-status', and to twist the truth, always, the Simple Truth, right out of proportion and reality.

To suit the aloof, deluded demigods of those shadowy estates 4, 3, 2 and 1.

Everywhere, there are amassing Working Class Thinkers, who see through the veils of deceit draped-over peoples' minds by the ones' who control food and land resources, and know brutally-well, that Communism, of a Nature far above and more Spiritually-Refined than even the Great Karl Marx managed to pen, is how Humanity is meant to live.

No-one can blame any 'individual' who knows these Fundamental Truths, and knows that the great-big-Cosmic-time-clock is ticking REALLY close to midnight, and that while every 'politician' on the planet puts their career and their coshy parliamentary seat-full of perks before the REALpolitik, of the need to change NOW, the lives of 17 (UPDATE -80) white-haired, whitefaced, self-assured Norwegians, or Brits, or Italians, or Australians, or Americans, old or young, mean absolutely nothing.

Unless, their sudden deaths sent a message through the security barriers of upclubville, and caused the upclubster fucking snobs, of right-wings-and-left, to get off their comfy chairs and speak up about what needs to happen - GLOBALLY - NOW!

All Praise the Warriors who Fought and have Fallen Fighting for a Just Communist, Planet Earth!

Think about it Cameron. Miliband. Windsor. Sakozi. Berlesconi. Laguarde. Strauss-Kahn. Bush. Obama.

Et Al. Et Al............

The big game is over.

Meanwhile, media still has something chunky in the 'phone hacking scandal', as it's labelled now.

As I happened to call for in yesserday's blog, though I think these happened over the last few days, ex-NotW and The Sun reporters and journos are speaking-out about the culture of 'whatever it takes', in Murdoch's media houses.

See http://bigpondnews.com/phone-hacking-scandal as just one example.

The guardian has similar sites up, as do most not-Murdoch media corp sites. The Bigpond site has a choice exposure in it's http://bigpondnews.com/articles/PhoneHackingScandal/2011/07/21/Tabloid_insiders_tip_bucket_on_Brooks_640729.html article.


Perhaps even more Bravo, because I think, but ain't certain, that Bigpond is a part of, if not partner to Telstra, Australia's biggest telco, which, I also think, has some sizey number of shares owned by James Murdoch!

I guess as the ex-journos who are speaking-out, within Murdoch's stables, from television networks to film studios to newspapers, and I'd hazard a guess and add land-dealing corporations, there'd be many many employees who are, through the exposure of this phone hacking story, finding their Ethical compass or centre, probably for the first time, while as many are just jumping on the REVENGE bandwagon against anyone higher up the chain than them, and the courage to say something?

(I include 'land-dealing corps', or real estate, because, if you didn't know, they are the biggest advertisers in most all media.

We may extrapolate, deduce, from this that it is in fact, they who dictate what media publishes.

It is NO coincidence, that BAD LAND LAWS, from which these scumsuckers make the most profit, second only to illegal drugs (which remains the province of right wing political parties and governments or, the IMF), are the most criminal discrepancies in all laws today.)

However..., 'Snowball' comes to mind. Will it turn out to be the 'landmark moment' in things like media-politicians' relationships?

Will the Righteous, be able to sustain the impetus to force SERIOUS reforms across the globe, in how media can get away with the garbage they induce us, for want of any sincerity and beyond-profit motives, in all media, to read/hear/watch?

Can we finally, albeit in the minute-past-midnight, break the chains the mega-corporations.., mega-land-corporations have around the necks of media, politicians, thus, the insatiable public?

Can we drop the insane, small-minded opposition to the planet maturing and in mere months GO GREEN?

Maaaayyybeee? Maaayyybeee not!

Not..., and unrelated issue! Green Living, and it's Politics, is/are as much what the mainstream idiots who put profit and alien desires before an enduring species and global environment, like the Murdochs, hate so much, and are doing everything they can to prevent.

Not to mentionnnnnn..., the most efficient social and cultural method of attaining to that Balance, of Global Communism!

Possible or not, we must however Unite and make the effort.

So, it seems that even a bizarre mass murder event in Norway cannot shift the probably more heinous corruption in the mainstream media from mainstream attention.

My qvestion is however, how much does this unconscionable culture, undoubtedly promoted by Rupert Murdoch over his rise of 50 years in media ownership, exist in other media establishments?

Can it be entirely expunged???

How able are the Ethical employees in world media, in mainstream media particularly, (feels like an oxymoron there!) to do more than jump on popularist (therefore profitable) bandwagons, and actually force their corporate executive managements to change their approach to what they feed the public?

Obviously, such hopes require a manifest change deeper in the heart of the beast of western CRAPitalism, so that corporations change too, and start putting the bottomline of global and local Ethics - Environmental Law - at the top of their agenda, at the forefront of what they feed the reader/viewer, and before the false, short-term and farcical profit-margins of greedy, mentally retarded shareholders and corporate executives?

Any such Reforms, Reforms more than likely the mass of humanity want-want-want, but for fear of scumsucking bosses, say nought about, must require fundamental sobriety and straight-talking from all the world's politicians, even to the point of them putting themselves out of business.

How does we does that?


In every council, every, county, every state and every nation, there are squillions of basically, 'nobodies', who are nevertheless, painfully and angrily aware of the blithe attitudes which the top end of society get away with, and would jump on any chance to ---- damn-I-hate-this-one ---- 'make a difference'.

Many of them, exactly like the petite, yet Great Warrior Woman who jumped the rail and scuttled the Pope a few years ago, as he lorded his wanky way down the isle of a Roman cathedral, many of us would spit-on any officials telling us to 'move-off', if we painted our own placards and sat for a week or so outside our local council offices, in PROTEST!!!, to the endemic bad laws which are running everything down the shitter, local and global.

Our national security agency ASIO, has it thus...

“….the ASIO Act 1979 specifically recognises the rights of Australians 'to engage in lawful advocacy, protest or dissent'....”

from ASIO WEBSITE: http://www.asio.gov.au/Work/Content/ThreatAssessments.aspx

(Make a copy of this, and keep it in ya pocket!)

So, anyone who gets shitty thinking about any of this larger stuff, and wants to camp on the council's lawn, has only to say this to the cops if they try to push or cart you away

I HAVE EVERY RIGHT to voice & write my political objections to the tyranny of “foreign-controlled” Australian federal, state and local government AND police forces!

And I have every right to voice & write my political objections to the tyranny of “foreign-controlled” MEDIA!”

'Bandwagons', 'snowballs', 'trend', whatever, no matter.

If such a Pro-Active Effort (PEA!) was begun, somewhere, anywhere, somewhere, some media editor would catch-on and send a reporter down to the council chambers, or state or federal parliament, and plonk any well-orchestrated PROTEST on their front page.

Everywhere, people are starving for..., and are starving for LACK-OF this type of direct action, peaceful of course, and at this desperate moment in world time, the excess of idle unemployed have every, more than every right to make a diff, simply by getting a group together and stopping on the lawn out front of their local council during the day.

Amongst each and every group of bludgers, there's always one or two who know their rights, and can detail them to any frumpy coppers who the nervous, paperbag-mayor might call.

And, then, there's always that cell-phone call to... da-DUMM! THE MEDIA!!!

(“Oh shit no!” spat the mayor! “Just keep the fucking media out of this!!!”)

Even better for the local rag!
SENSATION on our home turf!

Beats the Hell out of doing another bullshit report on some filthy real estate deal!!!

Tying council and state and federal government with the deep corruption of media and ruthless corporate activities, with smart, intelligent arguments and placards at a protest, cannot help but to incite positive attitude across the globe.

Don't wait for Jesus, Dudes! He died 2G's ago!

Don't let this opportunity, of the biggest scumbag media cabal on Earth being under the most Righteous and powerful assault, pass your local patch by, without YOU doing your useful bit!

As much as I wince when I hear it, it is appropriate....


Also, it might be rightly said, that we have a Duty, to our Forefather Warriors who fell in that disgusting set-up known as 'Gallipoli'.

Because they, our Diggers, were set-up by Britain, to be massacred, on the beaches of Turkey, to kill-off our Rebellious yes-convict Spirit of 'anti-establishment' RESISTANCE to their colonialist read-landgrabbing, outright tyranny.

Tyranny which today, gets away masquerading as media mogul agendas and take-overs of OUR intellectual Sovereignty.

But HEY! We are not the only prisoners on this planet!

Everywhere, there are people just like us, who cry-out for a more Just system of government.

That, after it's all said and flushed, is what DEMOCRACY is supposed to be all about!


And...,The Communist Culture!

Blimey? This wodka packs a punch, aye!?

Signing-off, falling-over-and-out,


Outlaw Junction News-of-the-REVOLUTION-Chop

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of


Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth



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