

110721Th Outlaw Junction News-Chop CARBON TAX EMISSION - OMISSION - EDITION


(NOTE! The following critique in no way casts misogynistic beliefs of my own upon the good character of Ms Julia Gillard.

All apparent misogynist denigratory sentences herein are written and meant as parodies of many Australian people's antipathy to our more-than Qualified-to-lead, prime minister Julia Gillard.

I DO NOT hold any misogynistic feelings or attitudes to, for or against Julia Gillard PM. Rather, the misogynist beliefs I have formed, are the result of maltreatment by many other women through my 56 years.

I do, however, remain a sworn misogynist, in-general.

Of course, there are exceptions.....

NOTE 2: I guess I apologise for this prolix, piss-taking entry, and for the excessive language I use to explain my disgust at the political right.

I think the basis of this blog-post, is to assail the appalling lack of ethics, in those who refuse to change their greedy excessive lifestyles, and who say that the carbon tax, etc, will do nothing to reduce the horror that is coming.

This is absolutely pathetic of them, and shows that they are lacking in any Honor, Dignity, Integrity or Intelligence, in their refusal to act in right and proper ways.

Whether there will be a positive result or not, it is only moral and ethical to do whatever we can to at least slow the extent of the damage our errant lifestyles have caused.

There is no excuse for this terrible attitude, and it is all-the-more tragic to myself, that perhaps the worst examples of that mindset are heard in my own country.)

Funny how, as the arguments against a carbon tax on the nation's heaviest polluters are found by more and more people as unsustainable, the points-of-argument against it have shifted from all the hype that they will hit every industry this side of the Milky Way HARD-HARD-VERY HARD, will send every household to the wall, will force pensioners and poor folk into starvation, will prevent dandy-Jack from buying a NE-E-E-E-EW BMW, or Merc, or Jag, or Roller, will send petrol prices into orbit, will make medicines too costly, will make groceries unaffordable, will kill the housing market, will send the unemployment rate UP-UP-UP into another universe, will do every evil thing Diablos himself could possibly cunger/muster/invent and fabricate to babies, schoolies, uni students mums-and-dads, sisters-and-brothers, and even to Liberal voters, they, the idiots with the most tiny habits are now saying that the carbon tax will not stop the impending collapse of the environment?

Inneresting? K!

Depressing, though not surprising down-here-down-the-shithole in Astrayliar, that allegedly so many punters are ready to 'take-up-arms' against the government to stop HER - the government - HER - that WOMAN who apparently masquerades in mascara on OUR wide-screen tee-vees from doing what all impartial assessors and commentators agree is a pretty-bloody good job of prime ministering our nation through the barrages of parochial and myopic bullshit from that utter scumsucking Zionist corporate news service Sky-News-Corp-Ltd-International, and their paper-bag-grabbing 30 pieces-of-silver extreme right wing politrixters.

Clearly, even the so-classified 'lefties' in parliament, the Greens, stay mum about the complete lack of any ethics or morals shown by all the used-to-be deniers, who now are arguing against this insignificant tax on the grounds that it will do nothing to stop the planet's death by fumigation from our own smelly arsehole excessive living standards.

That such a ROARING admission by the anti-everything-Labor-Greens-and-Thinking-Caring-Standing-Up-Independents opposition, and their supporters, is so blatantly saying, exactly as the right wing psychotically-selfish corporate politicians and Murdoch media and mining executives all round the world are, that

- they, those who oppose, in fact do not give a damn about the future, whatever the predictions are,

- they, those who oppose, are admitting to their undeniably evil selfishness, in their opposition to the federal government, which is trying to consider the children and progeny-yet-unborn by making the most honorable efforts to minimize the pollution-created catastrophe that awaits us all,

- shows both a complete lack of intelligence and thus ethics in the deniers/anti-carbon-tax-lobbyists etc, and that they are so selfish, greedy, stupid and misanthropic as to be not actually Human!


Maybe they'se been possessed by aliensssszzzz!?!?!?!?

Obviously, Ethics is not the preferred thing to educate the mind in, in Astrayliar.

Obviously, selfishness and blatant ignorance of future generations is the right wing 'all-is-lost-so-fuck-the-rest' trend in our over five year old voters, from the labourers in the coal mines to our truckies to the landgrabbing mining corporate billionaires, and every Murdoch news media talking-head, editor, manager and CEO in-between.

Gee, and all my life I thought I wuz born into the species “Homo Sapiens” - “Man, The Wise”!

Inneresting that the hype against anything not right wing or, anything which does not put the individual at the centre of everything, has been turned-up several notches since the Murdoch News of the World scandal began?


- that media coverage of the latest footage in the NotW saga, of the Murdoch duo, trio if we include the strategically-positioned missus Murdoch-in-feminine-pink between them, in front of a panel of British politicians, went swimmingly for the defendants,

- that both of them were allowed to appear together, or in trio,and

- that nothing of any chunky value was brought out,

- that 'frail'-looking, possibly teetering on dementia, thus deserving of sympathy,

- that, “poor-old-me” Murdoch, played the audience like he was touting for an Oscar, saying this was (….pause........) “the most humble day of my life”,

- that, that line is grammatically flawed, and in that, may actually be quite exceedingly cleverly saying NOTHING AT ALL, a point made more poignant for, only minutes after, he is seen thumping the table with his fist, rather lacking humility, as he dallies through evasive answers to shallow questions?

Inneresting? K!

Meanwhile, or mere hours later (or before?), the prime monster (TYPO!) of Great Brittle (TYPO!), answers some 143-point-175 qvestions in a recalled House of Commonsss in 143.175 minutes, about his culpability in the sordid, magnificent distraction saga of the Murdoch method of fucking Peoples' minds and by proxy “it wasn't MY fault!!!” the planet, and is still able to suck-the-sav and no doubt a glass of plonk at 10 Downing Street before bedtime.

Top cops of New Scotland Yard are implicated and expelled, fall-guys to further keep the media distracted from the OTHER impending GLOBAL catastrophe, of imploding British, Irish, Eurapean and American economies, guaranteed to lead every hungry mouth and nuclear arsenal straight into the new age of unending nuclear war. And a global famine to beat all of Somalia's!

But OH SHIT TONY! CAN'T LET HER... HER get this carbon tax through!

It's not the prime minister we have to change. It's the policies!” harps Tony Habit-er-Tiny Abbott, er....

Playing politics there Tiny? Is the change away from going-the-person to going-the-policies, a shifty move to try to divert media heat off the person who pays you in brown paper bags - Master Rupert?

Surely you're not trying to convince voters that you are serious about POLICY, IE., ECONOMICS, for once, more than your preferred game of that evil, 'the political debate', where you use language and every other medium to talk around the crucial, underlying, fundamental ISSUES?

I'm not gunna pay another zero-point-1-of-a-cent more for MY - MY petrol or coal-powered electricity!!!” says braindead Joe Av'rige.

NO-NO-NO!!!” Hollered a ghostly voice from the Kingaroy cemetery, which was heard to echo right across the land of the foreign Queen and HER over-consumptive and excessively polluting FOREIGN corporations......., right down the streets of Brissy where the enviro-sound trams used to glide, before big-Jo sold them off for scrap metal and his smelly diesel buses, off down the coast to the centre of mental retardation and Asytrayliar's centre of sin - Sinny.

NO-NO-NO!!!” echoed the ethics-and-braindead church-hypnotised corporate hopeful over-consumers of our first city and Aussie-HQ of OFFSHORE CORRUPTION, and up the stairs into New South FAILS parliament!!!


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the bucket.... otherwise known as 'Sinny-bin', head of the Astrayliarn branch of Murdoch media, John the Baptist Hartigan appoints two “ex-judges” to weigh the emails of his little Astrayliar baby News Corp, so they can be seen to come-up-with an all-round 'ALL CLEAR!', pre-arranged report by the legals and hawks of the most fact-twisting-evading-deleting, offshore-agenda, spin-centred media house of hyperbole heroes in the shithole.

TWO JUDGES!” An inneresting twist to the 'self-regulation' scam all filthy-rotten-corrupt corporations have played since the golden calf tribe voted-down Moses with OH! Propaganda!

Oh..., WE are good guys because we hired two judges - JUDGES, darlink! TWO of 'em! - to sprinkle their salutary high-brow legalese loose-stool on the facts!

No-one will question OUR integrity now!”


Media, especially the mob which is under such spotlights GLOBALLY now, News Ltd, News Corp, News International, has no place or right to do any audit themselves! No matter who they hire to write glossy reports for them!

That the Australian head of News Corp has done this, only exposes News Corp as having much to hide!

What we need..., is a Club of Whistle-blowers, from within The Whore'stralian house of hahaha's itself.





Come-on Sheilas!

The big game is over!

Who is putting one over the People?

Murdoch? Cameron? Westminster? Brettonwoods? Bilderberger? The Illuminaughties? Club of Rome? The most recent tenants in the Temple of Jerusalem, the golden calf tribe, renting the synagogue since 1947?

Asking British politicians, all of whom have been owned by the IMF since 1783, when it's predecessor the British East India Company actually bought the English parliament “lock, stock, and barrel” (after it went bankrupt losing the American war of independence, to 1776), to ask qvestions of the likes of Murdoch, senior and junior, is like asking News International to audit itself by hiring two Australian judges to investigate.

Clearly, this is bigger than any single News-of-the-World tabloid, sneak-peeking into non-entity's voicemails!

Have we, in fact, been very cleverly done-over AGAIN, by the IMFinati, by having that old rebel, the News of the World silenced, because it might in fact have been the paper most capable of exposing far-far-far greater corruptions extending far-far-farking-further than even around this tiny little planet?

Apparently, that's the last thing Murdoch senior wants to have happen?

WHAT? ME? A conspiracy theorist!

(hehehe! NEVER TRUST THE BASTARDS! Tha's wot I say.....!)


Were the People less inclined to latch-onto the sensationalism, and perceived hope of a couple of elite arseholes' scalps in this huge media drama, they/we might be more prone to be marching on our parliaments in worldwide ORGANISED attempts to 'man the barricades' and 'bring down the aloof toffs', in Valiant efforts to minimise the chaos that WILL overtake us and all reason, the longer we are distracted from the REAL-AND-PRESENT-DANGERS-plural that confront us.

You see aliens.

I see clever little super-rich idiots playing with magic without Qualification.

Again, I write, that it is as likely, that this Human species has outstretched it's welcome on this planet, and is due for extinction.

If it is not aliens, it is mass chaos, mass carnage, caused by either or all impending failures - environment, economics, food supplies and reason.

Those who wait for another to do the hard work for them, and who do nothing to correct their own unsustainable cultures, deserve annihilation.


The biblical way this is said, is “God helps him, who helps himself...”

It's time the smart-arses of the spoiled world stopped turning that line into a silly joke justifying greed and theft, and sought with sincerity the Intelligence on how to save one's self and those around them, which the Prophets found in their own Souls.

Only the truth will set you free........”

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of


Omaxa bin Eartha



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