
From Google news page, I read on India and China signing a pact leading-up to the Copenhagen Talks in December, and sent the south Indian online news site "Express Buzz", where the article is, the following;


From the "bush" in Australia, I recently blogged that "If Humanity were fully organized, we could stop having babies for five years to reduce the strain on the planet's environment and resources", and,
"A Properly Organized planet of Intelligent Human Beings, is the most-feared-enemy of organized megalomaniacs".
India and China, being the most populated, with Intelligent governments, would appear the best to make the moves we ALL must adopt.
"If the people are stupid, Democracy is dangerous, and if the people are dangerous, Democracy is stupid!"
Agrarian Socialism, employing the upsides of capitalism, is Humanity's next step and only viable forward approach.

I forgot to put which Organization I head;

"The Organization Organization".

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