
Is Corruption A Mental Illness?

I scribed this, in the same "space" so-to-describe, as I wuz in when I wrote and emailed the last two (postings).

It is a question I have "harbored" for quite a while, and it is obvious that it does need asking, in most every nation on Earth, what with most all governments and their brutal henchmen being so pathetically prepared to defend the indefensible, of a society obviously out of control, over-consuming and wasting the Earth's resources etc etc, to everyone and everything's detriment, if not destruction.....:

Here it be....

"If it is found that personal mental illness has its cause in a corrupt upbringing & from living in a corrupt society, we must ask if those who guide, administer & police such societies are themselves mentally ill?!

Of a certainty, the mental health of police who use inhumane methods & gross untruths to convict we who speak honestly against corruption, must be brought into question, & broad & deep changes MUST be implemented?

Or surely, dears, the whole society-nay-CIVILIZATION is threatened with extinction?


Omaxa bin Eartha.
Outlaw for Global Land, Tax, Cult, Drug & Work Law Reform.

I emailed that to the following:

background.briefing@your.abc.net.au, mailbox@actu.asn.au, mir@mir.it, rmrb@peopledaily.com.cn, editor@guardianunlimited.co.uk, public@nytimes.com, canberra@dsp.org.au, yourviews@cnn.com, 1300961222/TYPE=PLMN@mmsscorrectordrop.telstra.com

The last one, the 1300961222/etcetera one, is a new one to me, and is probably ASIO who monitor my emanations and most every other noise I emit.

In case you don't know, ASIO, or Australian Security Intelligence Organization, have been ensconced in Telstra for decades, and perve on all our electrostuff.

It's what comes of being indoctrinated by the thirty pieces of silver tribes, who make it their business to make sure it is THE OTHER BLOKE who goes to the crucifix or jail, which is why THEY are all so sweet and comfy RICH DARLINKXS, drive all the best cars and leerjets, and live on the top floors.....

"Hi boyzzzth!"

Umm..., what was this blogpost about?


"Are the heads of the wealthiest Societies (the most corrupt) in fact the most MENTALLY ILL?"

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