

111024 Outlaw Junction News-Chop Occupy Edition

 Scanning the web this arvo, found lots an' lots of "Occupy" hits.  One being from a "UNC" webpaper located in Chapel Hill, wherever THAT is.  Left to assume UNC is a university.  Didn't even read the article, but it seemed onside, so I flung 'em thissss.....

Sadly, t'wasn't in RED though....

Stand Strong Dudes!
Bottom-line - Law of the Land Reform.
We don't need "leaders", we need True Laws.
Everyone, from children, can learn and know the True Laws. 
Land Laws, are extremely simple, which is why the career politicians, boffin-economists (NOT!), accountants and lawyers complicate the affairs of government and revenue-raising, until the masses give-up trying to unnerstand them, and leave it to - OH NO - leaders. And parties, and spin doctors, etc.
It's all in how we relate to the Land, and that is through the rent we should pay, and to whom - government.
Place all your smaller "micro-concerns" on that macro-demand.
Join with other "Occupy" Protesters on the same issue, or there's no chance of the Collective succeeding.
Any who disagree, sorry, are subversives, probably expecting to retire on daddies inheritance.
Planet Critical!  It is YOUR PLANET! no more unsustainable wasting of it!
Land Rent for Government Revenue (Land Value Taxation, LVT), is both the most honest tax, and the one most conducive to sustainable lifestyles, with minimum government and bureaucracy, at the same time, the best for small and large Honorable business enterprise.
Be your own Masters! (and Madames!)
Occupy YOUR Planet NOW!!!!
Oh!? and where the hell is Chapel Hill?
your, Omaxa bin Eartha

Go Ogle news had lots of other stuff I wanted to comment on in these posts, like "Janet Jackson quits Melbourne concert", to whit I would've wrote, "Right-on Janet!  Michael dances in Heaven now!  I'm a white boy/Gunai Aborigine boy from Melbourne, and Yo don't go there, cause it is racist to it's marrow!

But I didn't...

But..., there's one article the whole world knows about now, to which I feel obliged to comment on..  Muammar Gaddafi's death.

As the western media turns everyone against him, and I'm better informed as to his dictatorial reign, I concede I knew not enough of his rule in Libya to correctly side with him.  

I've thought much about him since news broke of his capture and slaying, and remain "with him" in as much as he was a Brave Man taking the reins off the colonialist Eurapeans for Libya, and thereafter standing Strong against their ceaseless pushes to destabilize Africa generally, not just the northern nations or Libya.

I don't agree with those who let their blind emotions kill him as they appear to have done.  That maltreatment, as far as I'm concerned, was shameful for all Libyans.

It is testimony to how short our collective memories are, when so many, in that case the under 40 year olds of Libya, were persuaded no doubt by decades of Eurapean subversion, into seeing him as a man of no worth, or Honor.

Perhaps most grievously, those who knew Libya before Gaddafi and his Warriors arrested the colonialist occupation, and gave Libyans a new chance those 42 years ago, are now too afraid to speak or even think fondly or honorably about Colonel Gaddafi, because the youth of the so-called "revolution", all charged-up with the fervor of events and incentives from - oh shit - Eurape, the USA and Britain, are now so self-important as to lash-out at any, ANY reasoned and tempered voice.

No doubt, many older, Wiser Libyans will spend there remaining days in some quiet despondency.

And perhaps worse..., none of us can predict what awaits the new Libya.

As with all this type of hoopla about revolutions and new regimes and reforms and fresh starts and independence, etc, etc, etc, they are both promoted by foreign forces eager to capitalise on the youths egomania, and it's insatiable desire for western trinkets and beads - ipods, fast cars, bigger everythings, etc, and fail totally to see the end of over-spending and excess, even while the prime example, less than 200 kilometers north of Libya - the whole of over-spend Eurape - is teetering on the brink of the worst disaster the world - economically-speaking - has seen?

One fears that the new Libya has come too late to the modern world, while Gaddafi DID do a lot to give Libyans what was available, and Libya will gross-out in but years, and those young adults now, who raised weapons against "Loyalists", looking back on these days of the carnage they call the revolution, with some regret.

"Revolutions" in this maximally-controlled era, are rarely, if ever really what they are mediated and believed by the active members of the frontlines to be.

Most Iraqis, I'd wager, who were pro-USA when the US invaded in 2003, now live in regret of that happening, as there is ample evidence to tell that Iraq is far worse-off since, and may never recover to any real extent, of Honorable and close families, communities, etc.

South Africa, another example, after Apartheid was dismantled, still has to deal with maximum poverty and in REALPolitik terms, maximum racism against it's huge majority of Black African Peoples, even though Mandella and now "Zuma" (?) held and hold the chair.

So, Libyans who are now excited about the death of Colonel Gaddafi, are more than likely to not be so exhilarated in a few years, when the demands and enslaving empires of Britain, the USA and Eurape begin to really lean on them for MORE oil primarily.

Of course, you will be seduced into hosting tourism, what with your exotic Mediterranean coast, with promises of endless wealth from the trade, by the spin doctors of the western crapitalists.  But even that is not assured, what with the impending collapse of the over-spend-on-foreign-debt empires of the white races.

Rest in Peace Muammar Gaddafi!  

To some, You will NOT be Forgotten!

There are other items I could comment on, but there are also other things I have to do.......

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction

Media Portal
for the
Three Wise Tribes
Aborigine - Green - Biker

Education &


All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction

Media Portal
for the
Three Wise Tribes
Aborigine - Green - Biker

Education &