
Capitalism, Socialism, and the End

Capitalism, Socialism, and the End 

Scanning news sites daily, for decades now, it's tragic to see how little of the real political and species' situations get media air.

None of the "mainstream" news services go near the hard facts about the western economic systems' conditions, that China has the west near-as begging for mercy, economically, that capitalism has actually passed it's effectiveness, and now has the world on a downward slide we cannot stop.  Or that the western powers in fucking psycho Zionist upclub USA and Eurape, including Israel, are beginning their next world war against China, for resources mainly, but also for all of them being held to ransom by their own excessively rich dicks.  Rich dicks who are so totally entranced by their own wealth, ergo, power, that they will, they WILL ride the militarist splurge to everyone's destruction.  At once keeping all the 1st world too scared to do anything to stop them.

North Korea's latest jump to test another nuclear warhead just one side show of the same global play.

Doing what I can, from the extreme margins, kept here by aforesaid fucking psychos of Australian private school clubs, to deduce what the future has in store, it's impossible to not conclude the same as the horror films about this same topic reach.

The violent, plague-ridden, warmongering, insane end of the current evolution of our species.

So here's what I came to write on the subject as in the article on the World Socialist Web Site, about unemployment increasing globally from here on.....


Capitalist ruination of the earth wont end until unemployment is so dominantly generic that enough people have too little an income to support the capitalist consumer engine.
Then capitalism will collapse & socialism will be the only option.
But endless war globally will be chosen 1st by the global elite, as a board game played between & against fanatically drunk drinking mates.
France's invasion of west Africa this month (January 2013) a 1st step example, to "decades of war" by said global elites.
Disputes against rising global power, China, will be pushed by the USA, via Japan, Philippines, SE-Asian nations, in east Asia, & by Eurapeans in Africa. All over resources.
Africa the untapped, least militarised continent in easy reach of over-consuming 1st worlders, is about to become the territory of war between Eurape, 1st allied with the US against China, but soon all 3 major forces will war for the booty.
Further placed, least-militarised resource rich zones, Canada, South America, Australia & last, Antarctica will be hit.  It wont matter who each targeted territory sides with.
Its gonna be a massacre anyway.
This will persist as the dominant human elite's psychosis into an unforeseeable future, with every type of weapon used, serving the warmonger powers to get the goods, but mainly to deplete huge %ages of us, & the arable environment, so taking out as many of us again.
All now-known standards of "family", state & religious "laws" etc., will be dead, so today's chillen will mature into totalitarian fear-based societies, then, as these intensify & become completely wild, feral, anarchistic & broken, lawless, it will be Hell on Earth everywhere.
No security, no safe groups or places, no sane, reasonable, Intelligent comfort-zones, no food, or safe drinking water.
Small walled, maximum militaristic elitist enclaves will survive for mere years, occupied by completely "out of it" elite survivors, utterly insane, demented & fully "altered reality" imbeciles, rambling idiots locked in pre-Armageddon delusions of cafe-latte fashion settes, fully disconnected from the endtime factuality outside their heads.
Outside, mongrels will roam in groups, invading, massacring everyone in their reach, eating any flesh - roasted - & from their own hordes, as food resources are eaten dry.
Animals like rats will prove better, stronger, more organised and intelligent scavengers/fossickers thus survivors, but will die off too for toxins in foods.
Cockroaches and similar insects, & bacteria are the future, perhaps only 2 or 3 generations after the fall of the capitalist mindset.
Then, a Charleton Heston type character will stumble onto the remains of the Statue of Liberty, see the end of the modern Human species, and shoot himself.
It's all over folks.
A good thing too....

Finally, a goodbye and good riddance to Finch, Prange, McLeish, Thomas, Gregory, Callander, Floyd, Firmin, Wooton, Pettendy, Hone, Hone, Plowman, Watts, M Hassed, Edney, Faulkenger, mother, and their fellows, of private school intellectual and ethical failures who still completely insanely keep me locked out of society , for their being so fascinated by their own riches, and against a person I was never told I am supposed to be.  And, not forgetting the fraudulent cults of the Theosophical Society, and the Indian "Ananda Marga".

What pathetic idiots you all are.

Enjoy your next lives as cockroaches.

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction


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