
Death-Throws Vatican & Coven Gently-Gently Kicking-and-Screaming Kicking-and-Screaming

130227 JUST DEFIANCE Outlaw Junction Vatican & Coven Gently-Gently Kicking-and-Screaming Kicking-and-Screaming Edition

1st, thoughts on an ARTICLE -

off The Guardian UK website,
by Severin Carrell and Sam Jones
Tuesday 26 February 2013 19.20 GMT

Here's the last 3 paragraphs from The Guardian UK article, as titled and linked above....,

Professor John Haldane, a Vatican adviser and professor of moral philosophy at St Andrews university, said he agreed with Murphy-O'Connor that the church needed "overdue", wholesale reform.

Speaking on BBC Newsnight Scotland, hours after O'Brien resigned, he said: "The Vatican is a renaissance court. It's run on a basis that might have made sense in the 16th century but it certainly doesn't make sense in the 21st century.

"So very clearly one of the things the new pope has to do, and this is overdue, is really reform the internal organisation and structure of the church, and I think we will begin to see that."

Me, being what I am, urge much much more than mere “reform” from within the Vatican and the wider global Catholic church.

The 2nd quoted paragraph above has it that the church “...is a renaissance court”.

Perhaps from my “True Law” view, an interesting label, from within, to apply to the decrepit anachronism based in Rome.

I could destroy most of what that expert, Prof John Haldane says there, but wish no misery on him.

Tagging the church as a renaissance court, of the 16th century, misses the older facts, that the basic church was formulated as far back as the 4th century.

He knows more than me of the changes that had to have occurred between the 4th and 16th centuries. As it was in the 16th has to be closer to how it's been for the last century.

But yes..., it has been to now of a dead and much less “awake” age, within it's western hemisphere dominion at least.

If we look back to the general condition of the Catholic world, of Eurape and old Britain, and the few “extensions”, “colonies” it'd acquired to then, the 16th century, in it's heart, society was already terribly divided, with an elite, ponsing about in all manner of excess, having long before, forgotten all about the majority, and had become totally consumed by their own wealth-centred existences.

Yet those elites, and all of their administrations, long disgustingly corrupt, all professed to be faithful Christians!

King Henry the 8th, allegedly one of my ancestors, was no shining example of equitable and reasoned, Wise rule.

A majority of English and Britons lived in oppressive and ignorant poverty, as did a large proportion of Eurapeans, while the clerical elite were already wallowing in church-owned wealth and excess as to beggar the mind.

As I've been arguing for a while, there's no doubt that the western powers' rise to global dominance, economically, and, relative to this cult, religiously, has been accompanied by an unprecedented, mostly previously completely non-existent cultural mental illness, or uncountable range of psychological disorders and dysfunction, always the result of believing lies, economic and religious, or the churches overt and covert demands to believe the lies, wherever they marched their “holy crusaders”.

This has it's origins within this, and it's contrarian cults' priesthoods, taking the silver, offered as bribes by the monarchies and landed elites of dynastic and ancient families, to keep the masses oppressed and “dull” of mind (again, allegedly my Maredudd and Sutherland ancestors, et al, reaching down through the monarchies of old France, Aragons of Spain, etc., and east to who knows how far? Some say to ancient Israel!) over retiring ascetic humility in the search and sustenance of the Spirit of Light and - a-HUM? - Truth.

So, Professor Haldane is correct that today's church is an anachronism, but he's too kind to it, by not telling the whole truth, methinks.

A sound study of the history of the Catholic church, and, therefore of those “break-away” sub-sets, the Protestants, etc., from the Reformation, shows us that it has always, as the Great Oliver Cromwell argued, been a political force. And that surely, is not hard to know, translates as an “economic” force.

And..., as I'm at pains to stress, “economics” or from Greek “econimos” (?) means simply “the efficient management of the household”.

Given that the word household is applicable to both the actual houses and homes of each and all families, large and small, but also applies to the larger “household” or, the efficient management of the household, of a nation's government.

The usual labels within western parliaments, of their “House of Representatives”, and the “House of the Senate”, deriving from the same, I suggest.

And, no house, nuclear - dad, mum, 2-point-2 kids, dog, cat and a budgerigar, or canary - or international, national, dynastic and insanely rich, cannot exist without having land beneath it.

So whether more honestly recognized as being a political or economic force, ripping away all the rhetoric, the church exists for it's “elders” to have dominion over the planet's LANDS.

Cromwell knew it.

Scot, Robert the Bruce, founder of the Freemasons, knew it.

William Wallace knew it.

As have innumerable Champions of anti-colonial power struggles from the earliest wars.


History shows clearly that the churches, have fought between themselves for centuries now, for dominance - for ownership - of national government. And, this always requires evermore funds.

So the “religious” cult - occult - wars as have ensued from the start have been reduced to economics, by all and any means, to support the crusaders, the troops and the cannon fodder, conquering the people, their land and it's resources.

And in the finest, or lowest, tradition, depending upon one's sentiments toward the Italian Machiavelli, “anything goes” becomes the mantra of the heads of the cults involved.

So, corruption takes the lead, in every thought and action of those charged with the “government” of the cults, and their parishes.

Along, as I say above, with such distraction from the proper purposes of any “religious” priesthood (which should be to be the “peacekeeper” intermediary between the Human and the occult realms, which should be purely to maintain a Balance between the two, and this, by maintaining the truth, and balanced souls in the people), comes the plethora of perversions, lost ways, unloosed desires and fascinations.

That this lost way, has been going-on or followed since at least the 4th century, means that after a point, any such institution cannot not become irreparably corrupted.

Therefore, if we, white western fools, ie., lost flockers, had any rightmindedness extant in us, one or all, we would demand the cult close down, for it is realized it is beyond repair and cannot by “reforms”, especially from within, cure itself of it's ingrained illnesses!

White western fools”? - Were we not lost, we would not need any such “Christ” savior, so we would not have needed this inevitably corrupt institution at all!

Calls, by the good hearted, and intelligent, but, perhaps “soft” likes of Professor Haldane, and from Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, for “wholesale reform” within the church, were they researched from an impossibly “Impartial” perspective (impossible, I suggest, for them!), would find that the church has no more a place in the world, and, as I charge, must be closed.

It is clear to me, idling away my life's exiled and evening hours ATTACKING the bastards who've sent me to homeless Hell for their sins - ie, the Catholic church, the Freemasons, the Zionist Jews, and their secret stupifyingly-rich sickos, the Theosophical Society, the religious “Lords of Sick”, that the darkness that they have all so eagerly, and in that fascination, so ignorantly spread across the Mother planet's face, of building a false religion, a false culture, on an illusory false prophet ideology, thus, inevitably all manner of opposition to these, and buying off the millions of willing bribe-takers to manufacture enough occult belief to make it apparently “true”, has reached the point where it cannot be dissolved, cured, repaired, “saved”, reformed, nor even exorcised, without that thing which it falsely warned it's own entranced flocks about, while at-once doing every insane thing possible to bring it on - Armageddon.

So.., “what for..., 'Reform'?”

Few are fooled to not see now, that all agonized calls from the broken knees of the institutionally deformed “committed Catholics”, for “Reforms”, come not Impartially, for the future health and “Common-wealth” of 1, the Human species, and 2, the planet, our only habitat, but are “death-throw” cries of the fallen, themselves long seduced by a pernicious and intellectually dead force, long in need of expurgation from the Holy Planet, Mother Eartha.

Any denial of this clear, unambiguous TRUTH, by any of any “faith”, only exposes their own mental sickness, and therefore, their being dangerously spiritually lost.

These kind, well-intentioned many, for their being so off the path of Rightmindedness, cannot be trusted with the right to vote in ECONOMIC Elections, as is coming on September the 14th 2013, in Australia's federal parliament.

For, their following a blinding and pernicious cult like the Catholic, shows they are indeed, lost sheep, so cannot possibly know what, not who, to vote for, in economic elections.

But I do not aim my arrows, nor slash my sword (“s-word”!!!), only at the feeble necks of Catholic heads!

Freemasons! Jews! Zionist and not!

And all branches, offshoots and power-hungry!

Face down your demons, thriving in our minds, for your hexes of false beliefs and imaginings!

Better you wander paupers across the deserts of mind and land, than attach your fearful souls to such darknesses!

Listen no more the egomaniacs hiding behind the collar and cross!

What for can you want to be led into the ditch!

Admit your folly. Your dis-ease. And turn away from all the church tells you, and offers you to uphold their fundamental deceit.

There is no cure to their disease. And while they are let to maintain their delusion, we all fall with them.

The church is DEAD! We all know it.

That I'm the one who has only revenge and nothing more to lose, to say it, through this modern day “town crier” type call, of modern technological media, and other occult mediums, makes me no-one more than you.


Just use the media, and the VOTE, to make it clear to the idiots-in-robes prancing desperately around in the palaces of the Vatican, and across the global dioceses, and covertly along the halls of parliaments, that it has to end. We are no longer fooled!


Now, some 8 or more hours after scribing the following, having set my heart on digging-digging-digging my scribing-sword-point into the heart of the Roman beast, and it's stumbling prelates, I'm out of wind, seeing that I've by-now, gone far enough, if not too far.

I'll not read again the following, mainly for time, and hunger, and post this whole rant and rave and revengeful rabbit onto the blog, hoping (ALAS?) it hits the mark, like a Good Arrow, the likes of which a Gerry Fletcher might whittle and fire!


But please, whomever reads, and accepts any of it as Meritorious, keep your heads as quiet as you MUST, and see I'm still, in every word, but channeling the words, from a mass of humans, with these expressed sentiments.

Without their interference, I am but a bag of skin, flesh, fat, bones and excrement, and a gallon of synaptic receptors, playing some thing else's game.

There ain't no god. But there is a divine intelligence, all knowledge, all consciousness, all bliss, which we all are.

(The Divine-Most Light, is but the sum-total of all light, sound, vibration and emotion. The first and last! With that accumulation, thought, and intelligence eventuate. Thought I'd throw that one in!))

Perhaps the biggest barricade ever on earth, stopping us from finding that Purity, has been the Catholic church, and all it's western, wealth-orientated offshoots and opponents. Not forgetting of course, it source and HQ in ancient Israel!

Saint Bill”, of the Clinton, said as much as we need as a true and sound lead, when he uttered, in his humility


Get a life, whiteguys!

Shut down all western and eastern set-up cults.

Remove their “tax-free” status, and thus, as well, have all governments “resume” management and revenue sourcing of the lands the “religious cults” have stolen from the Nations of Human Beings, which therefore, by NO HALF MEASURES includes all lands stolen by their corporations, and put the priesthood out to do an honest days work for once in their spoiled lives.

Resume also, all “private” “church” and cult schools into, from now, unchained government management, with 21st century Intelligence-centred curricula, common to all pupils, and let's get over the dark ages of false gods and false religions.

The “markets” of commerce can continue, and if they cannot sustain themselves amidst Balanced and True Laws, of the Land, it is obviously better that they fall. And fall. And fall....


The role of Media in curing us of the church

IN THE LAST few days, thoughts about the turmoil across Catholicism have been of the need to implore the respectable global media houses to keep the pressure on the Catholic church, but also upon as many governments as possible, to bring the church right out into the open..

This, in all aspects of it's existence.

From the false religious doctrines set-up in the 4th century, through it's unquestionably demonic “cultural genocide” of all far far more Honest, True and Spiritual cultures, Traditions and Peoples, to the extreme dangers created for the whole planet, by their errant “private” i.e., “secret” school agendas and curricula, primarily in their twisting of Scientific Economic Laws, into the perverse least “economic” ideals taught, thus, for their unholy influence throughout government policy, legislated in national laws.

NO LESS, in their manipulation of “drug laws”. For the church is near the top of all organized crime syndicates which profit from BAD DRUGS LAWS!

Et cetera! Et cetera!

The cat is out of the bag now, and being in these far more communicative times, the brutal beast that religion has been allowed over 16 centuries to become, to so dominate, silence and murder public expressions of dissent - er - heresy, and therefore, indicting it further, for the days' Scientific Knowledge, cannot possibly save itself, short of a full “confession” to use their language, and in absolute humility, bow to the TRUE SPIRITUAL LAWS (apologies for the emphasis!).

That it is like the US and Brit-Eurapean auto, real estate, banking and other megalithic industries, all made into the horror shows they've become, once more by these, this very same filth of an institution, and it's adversarial cults, found to be, in the GFC of 2006, '7, '8 and-on, “too big to fail” does not in any way excuse it, and it's prelates, from facing the Courts of Human Justice, admitting their errings, sexual, psychological, psychic, and material (the last being their completely unethical moneymaking from the speculative land market, always of Aboriginal Nations' stolen land, as administered by their church-indoctrinated corporate executives), and, with the most Honorable show, and act of humility ever known, collectively stepping down from any seats of influence and authority, and closing their churches.

In my fanatical opposition to this errant cult, and it's occult adversaries in-general, I advocate something of a “merciless” permanent closure of such cults.

Obviously, were that to occur, such a “vacuum” as impossible to fill, would follow.

Billions, all added up, mainly of western, white, essentially spiritually misguided and thus ignorant, but in REALPolitik terms, self-interested over-consumers, threaten to either, or both, “self-destruct”, psychologically implode, or, like insane mobs, run out of control, and act well outside of all their comfortable and relaxed paradigms of business, and social, and domestic “bliss”, legal frameworks.

Not a pleasant scenario! However..., with the church being incorrectly, perhaps by a cowardly populace, allowed, in-the-main by the media, to “move forward”, forget and on-the-surface forgive, to remain the powerhouse it should not be, ensures no better an outcome!

For, employing the Most Noble Sciences of Law, Economics, and todays' labeled “Mental Health”, “Philosophy” in other words, as well as “Demographic Science”, a Proper Inquiry will establish beyond doubt, that these same cults lead the way in corrupting every one of these Highest Studies, to their own selfish, megalomaniacal advantage.

And, as we know, further, these errant self-interested and clearly “lost tribe” sub-communities, lead the world to it's own cultural, ecological and economic disasters.

Therefore....,while I realize full-well that I write this damning set of accusations to media employees given their qualifications and guarantees of employment and income by the very same institutions, I also know that the vast majority of you are not blinded by those “dark-ages” beliefs, and are Honest enough to address the FACTS, employ that opposite of this cult's “faith” - “your Intellect”, and Divine the Rectitude of my assertions and demands, and thus, of what you, from reporter to editor to mogul - must do, from here forward, in regard to pressuring all parties, government, corporate and media, to exact a Just response from the church, by insisting on nothing less than the long-needed closure of their offices, churches, schools and other related institutions.

As said, such moves cannot but cause massive haemorrhaging globally. Perhaps especially in their precious educational institutes, the “private schools, colleges and universities”.

Yes, they are entrenched now across all quarters of the world's societies.

That does nothing, however, to convince me, a humble servant of Rightmindedness (and Drug Law Reforms!), that they can be in the least, “Reformed”.

What instructive “ingredients” they employ to bring out the advanced abilities of their product, is, in part, a mystery to me, being a government school drop-out.

However, I know enough about the human psyche, to know that their methods are not the exclusive province of their kind of instruction.

Leaping away from the “west”, there are ample examples elsewhere on Earth, of the finest Intellects in the Sciences, in engineering, in all trades, in the Arts, in Philosophy - in Philosophy, leading the west by a large margin - in Government, and the many other vital and beneficial talents and modalities Humanity educes, elicits and nurtures. Without exclusive pampering and indoctrination.

And.., should it have to be said, a deliberately ignored quality of mind, talent and ability exists right across our very own Australian government school students and graduates.

So any assertions by these secret agenda exclusive schools, cults and higher institutions, or clergy, that they are a necessary and vital part of all societies and administrations, arts, sciences, religion and entertainment, etc, are ungrounded, and are off-with-the-fairies, of their spoiled, delusional and deadly dreaming.

It is for everyone to stand forth and speak the facts, on the positives and negatives of letting these warped child abusers - psychological and sexual - carry-on unaccounted for.

Then, finally, it is imperative, perhaps more than all of the afore-screamed points, of all rightminded thinkers and doers of the planet, to call out these charlatans, perhaps primarily on their ill-gotten gains for not having to pay the right and equal amounts of taxation, to support and enable Good Government!

There has to be a time, when that “Critical Mass”, stands-up and demands such rogues to account and desist!

Should we burn them on the pyre, like so many of their predecessors did to the True, Wise Witches of Local Law and Cultural Balance?

Some, of a certainty, need that extent of fire to purge their souls.

But, better you ask the Wise Fellas of your Local Aborigine Nations.

Media! You must Talk True!

Clearly, changes across all arenas where they've held control must also occur.

With the insanity that's raced across the planet, of say, the last 500 years, so too has the Wisdom of Good Religious Practice, and Good Government.

You wont find them on the pulpit, nor campaigning in politics.

They're everywhere and amongst you.

Jus' gotto ask.

Gunai Aborigine Outlaw

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction


Education &